
The ways of working, culture and engagement diagnostic for progressive organisations

WorkPulse Paths

Discover the ideal WorkPulse path for your team: whether you're taking the first step with 'Explore', committing to ongoing development with 'Navigate', or striving for excellence with 'Optimise', each path is designed to unlock your team's potential at a depth that suits your needs.

  • Explore: Begin your journey of exploration into team dynamics with a one-off WorkPulse experience.

  • Navigate: Chart a continuous path towards improvement with quarterly WorkPulse assessments, diving deeper into insights.

  • Optimise: Strive for peak performance with quarterly WorkPulse diagnostics plus tailored support chosen by you from a menu of options, including training, coaching, experiment sprints, offsites and more.

*Prices are for organisations, departments or teams of up to 50. They may vary when participants exceed 50, and discounts are available for not-for-profits, start-ups, organisations working on climate change, and small teams.


Immediate Insight: Kickstart your journey with a comprehensive one-off WorkPulse experience, offering instant clarity on team dynamics.

Tailored Overview: Receive a detailed snapshot of your team's current operational strengths and areas needing attention.

Cost-Effective Solution: Ideal for budget-conscious teams looking to gain quick insights without long-term commitments.

First Step to Improvement: A perfect starting point for teams new to diagnostics, providing essential data to inform future strategies.

Limited Time Offer: Secure this introductory experience now to set the stage for more significant improvements.



Ongoing Insight: Engage in 4x WorkPulse assessments for continuous insight into your team/s.

Deep Dive Analysis: Benefit from more in-depth analysis over time, uncovering trends, patterns and persistent challenges.

Consistent Support: Regular check-ins ensure your team stays on track and responds to new insights, opportunities and proposals.

Strategic Improvement: Ideal for teams committed to sustained development and keen on making incremental, impactful changes.

Act Now: Enhance your team's journey with ongoing support – spaces for this comprehensive package are limited.



Peak Performance: The Navigate package is coupled with tailored support, pushing your team/s towards thier highest potential.

Customised Support: Choose from a menu of options including training, coaching, and more for a bespoke improvement plan.

Comprehensive Training Options: The ultimate package for teams seeking holistic development and peak performance.

Exclusive Access: Gain access to expert guidance from our comprehensive support menu, reserved for our most dedicated clients.

Opportunity Awaits: Take your team to the top tier of performance – availability for this exclusive path is limited.


Let’s Go!

Don't just dream of a more dynamic, cohesive, and engaged team – make it a reality.

  • Embrace the journey with WorkPulse and unlock your team's true potential.

  • Choose your path – Explore, Navigate, or Optimise – and take the first step towards a workplace where success and satisfaction go hand in hand.

  • Book your discovery call and demo to begin your WorkPulse journey.

WorkPulse: The ways of working & culture diagnostic for progressive organisations.

© Mark Eddleston Limited 2024 (trading as WorkPulse), all rights reserved | Registered in England and Wales no. 13971314 | Based in Bristol, UK | ✉️

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